Monday, 13 October 2014

Indonesian cigarette

Indonesian clove cigarettes

Clove cigarettes is the ancestral heritage of Indonesia. Clove cigarettes are cigarettes that use native tobacco dried, combined with clove sauce and when you hear a clove-smoked cigarettes. Different cigarettes with tobacco cigarettes using artificial or made ​​menthol cigarettes (cigarette Westerners). Type of cigar is a symbol of cigarettes incredible, all natural without any mix, and manufacturing can not use the machine. Still utilizing the hands of craftsmen. Review of the history of Indonesian clove cigarettes in the city stems from Kudus, Central Java.

The story of clove stems from the Holy city. Not clear is the origin of kretek accurate. According to the story of living among the factory workers cigarettes, clove history stems from the discovery of Haji Djamari during the period around the end of the 19th century. Initially, a native of this Holy feel pain in the chest. He then applying clove oil. After that, the pain had subsided. Djamari then experimented chop cloves and mix it with tobacco rolled into cigarettes.

some examples of famous kretek in Indonesia 

234 cigarettes

The cigarette tasted very delicious taste because it contains nicotine 2,9mg.

djarum 76 cigarettes

The cigarette also feels very delicious taste because it contains nicotine 2,4mg  

if in your country there is no cigarette is like this and want to try. I can send you to the place of cigarettes via cargo, such as fedex, dhl, and others. for the price and number of items that are sent adapted to the regulations in each country. delivery of at least 5 packs. if interested or more information please send a message to or send a message to the phone number + 6281280827474.dan for payment will be sent via paypal.
thank you.

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